Top Trending LinkedIn Posts about email marketing
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Top Trending Linkedin Posts about email marketing

Writing a piece of copy?
Here’s how to spend your time:
- 70% research
- 20% writing
- 10% editing
This is how you write high-converting copy.

Copywriting Tip:
Use your customer's words in your copy.
Go to sites like Reddit, Quora, and Forums.
Study their words and expressions.
Then replace words in your

Remember, it’s not B2B or B2C, it’s H2H - Human to Human.
No matter your industry, your marketing should appeal to human emotions

Marketing isn't about selling - it's about building relationships.
Today's consumers are looking for authenticity, transparency, and a genuine connection with brands.

How to write good copy:
1. Research
2. Research
3. Research
4. Write
5. Rest
6. Rewrite
7. Rest
8. Rewrite
9. Publish
Do these in order and your copy will convert.

Here's a table that outlines the customer journey stages, along with the channels, tactics, and content types suitable for each.
If you found it

Copywriting Fact:
People HATE long paragraphs.
So, instead of adding a bunch of sentences in a paragraph...
Make your paragraphs 2-3 sentences long.
Choppy copy = engaging

Mastering Ecommerce Email Marketing:
Here are the Essential Tactics for Campaigns, Flows, Segmentation, and Deliverability
1. Campaigns:
- Personalization:
Go beyond names. Tailor your content

Copywriting is like fishing:
You can cast a wide net and catch a school of small fish.
Or you can cast a targeted line and

Copywriting Rule:
If you wouldn’t say it in a real conversation, don’t say it in your copy.

The BIG Google and Yahoo Email Updates go live in just 2 DAYS!
If you're not currently compliant with these new requirements, this is

Today we celebrated my youngest daughters first birthday.
I’m working on a letter for my two daughters.
While I won’t share the entire thing, I

Email Marketing Tip:
ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS,
Send yourself a test email and click on EVERY. SINGLE. LINK. & CTA button to make sure

Copywriting tip:
Don’t write to an audience, write to a person.
The more personal you are, the more persuasive your copy will be.

Copywriting Fact:
You have 3 seconds to spark a dopamine rush in your prospect's brain with your copy or they'll leave.
Here's how to do

The headline is the most important part of your copy.
The second most important part?
>>> THE LEAD <<<
Here are 6 types of leads that

Email Marketers:
Here are some subject line ideas:
- You will not regret this (Trust)
- Get your gift before X (Curiosity)
- Last chance to get

The emails that most brands overlook?
Post-purchase emails.
Here are 7 post-purchase emails to boost your sales, engagement, and brand loyalty:
From a $150M+ email marketer.

5 subject line tips to increase your email open rates:
1. Personalization is Key:
"Hey [First Name], You Left Something Behind!"
Personalized subject lines,