amewborn LinkedIn Posts
Learn how to post on LinkedIn like amewborn. Learn from their content, engagement tactics, and network growth techniques
Should Account Executives be required to prospect?
A) Yes – It ensures AEs are fully engaged in all aspects of the sales cycle,
Bethany Stachenfeld went from $0 to $1000+ daily MRR with 50,000+ user accounts while building Sendspark into a top video sales tool. Her
Account Executives:
What's the REAL reason most deals go dark after a great first meeting?
A) Prospect was just collecting info – Never had real
Eli Rubel has built multiple service businesses generating $9.8M in pure profit (not revenue) since 2020 as an art school dropout turned agency
Account Executives:
What's the most overrated "best practice" in enterprise sales?
A) Always sell to the C-suite first
B) Following a rigid sales methodology
C) Weekly check-in
In 12 months, I grew my LinkedIn following from 32k to 178k followers without paid ads or automation. I've helped 4,000+ founders &
Account Executives:
Be honest - what do you ACTUALLY do when a prospect says "just send me some information"?
A) Send a generic PDF brochure
In 3 years, I've taught over 4,000 B2B founders & sellers how to grow on LinkedIn, built a 200K+ following, and scaled my
Account Executives:
What's the biggest lie sellers tell themselves?
A) "They'll get back to me next week"
B) "This deal will definitely close this quarter"
C) "My
In 8 months, I've generated 4,879 free newsletter subscribers from LinkedIn - work that would have cost $14,400+ in Facebook ads. And I
Account Executives:
Most embarrassing sales followup confession - which is yours?
A) Sent email with wrong prospect name
B) Followed up AFTER they became a customer
Here's what you actually need:
1. A PROVEN profile that positions you as the go-to expert (hint: most people get this completely wrong)
2. My
Step 1 - Hesitation - "My profile isn't ready yet" (this can last 5 minutes or 5 years)
Step 2 - Decision - "Time
Call it whatever you want. That's fine. You're not my target audience anyway...
But want to know the biggest mistake in business?
Thinking you need
Step-by-step script 👇
1️⃣ "I'd be happy to share specifics. First, what information would be most valuable for your evaluation?"
This separates tire-kickers from serious
Account Executives:
What's your biggest timewaster in sales?
A) Writing "quick follow-up" emails
B) Updating Salesforce
C) Internal meetings about forecasting
D) Creating custom presentation decks
PS: Spending hours
Everyone's obsessed with posting frequency...
But here's what nobody tells you:
It's not HOW OFTEN you post.
It's WHO SEES your posts.
I've tested everything on LinkedIn:
Step by step script 👇
1️⃣ "Of course - let's make this easy for everyone. What typically causes delays in your legal review process?"
Account Executives:
How long does it REALLY take you to follow up after a demo?
A) Same day - I'm a machine
B) 24-48 hours -