The 100 Best LinkedIn Influencers in team-building

Explore this list of the best LinkedIn posts related to team-building. Check them out to know whats hot right now.

Image Name Topics Category #Followers #ENGAGEMENTS
1. Avatar

Peyush Bansal

Internet eyewear startups Internet 715,669 1,459,965
2. Avatar

Ghada Masri

HR management recruitment HR 319,362 929,343
3. Avatar

Shikha Rana

program development team building HR policies program development 170,440 618,697
4. Avatar

Deeksha. Shinde.

Information Technology & Services IT recruitment talent acquisition Information Technology & Services 89,633 277,862
5. Avatar

Tania Massie

Human Resources Recruitment talent acquisition Human Resources 74,412 282,766
6. Avatar

Jesse Geul

Human Resources training public speaking Human Resources 67,802 240,697
7. Avatar

Betsy Thomas

HR recruitment employee engagement HR 66,748 242,295
8. Avatar

Anirudh Singla

SaaS content marketing SEO SaaS 59,414 236,468
9. Avatar

Elaine Eksvärd

training communication skills retorik training 58,852 180,087
10. Avatar

Wojciech Kluk

Information Technology Services IT recruitment Information Technology 51,703 194,920
11. Avatar

Adewale Yusuf

startup media strategy people management startup 50,565 149,167
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