The 100 Best LinkedIn Influencers in consumer-goods

Explore this list of the best LinkedIn posts related to consumer-goods. Check them out to know whats hot right now.

Image Name Topics Category #Followers #ENGAGEMENTS
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Tim Ferriss

Consumer Goods Angel Investing Author Consumer Goods 1,509,098 3,048,378
2. Avatar

Kat Cole

Consumer Goods Brand Building Retail Consumer Goods 352,987 875,408
3. Avatar

Smriti Handa

Consumer Goods Human Capital HR Consumer Goods 289,696 979,172
4. Avatar

Murat Ülker

Consumer Goods Executive Management Business Strategy Consumer Goods 218,302 759,691
5. Avatar

Stacey Deakins

Consumer Goods Recruiter Talent Acquisition Consumer Goods 191,720 648,014
6. Avatar

Tatiane Vita

Consumer Goods retail franchising Consumer Goods 132,523 447,928
7. Avatar

Stephanie Stuckey

Consumer Goods Confectionery Roadside Retail Consumer Goods 116,615 404,654
8. Avatar

Andrés C.

Consumer Goods Recruitment Human Resources Consumer Goods 102,643 409,546
9. Avatar

Rob Mayhew

Consumer Goods Digital Innovation Advertising Consumer Goods 102,582 329,288
10. Avatar

Aukaria Rahman

Consumer Goods Oil and gas Retail Consumer Goods 91,477 354,931
11. Avatar

Cristina Scocchia

Consumer Goods Business Strategy Change Management Consumer Goods 83,629 203,218
12. Avatar

Juan Pablo Velasquez

Consumer Goods HR management global HR Consumer Goods 80,013 263,243
13. Avatar

Armaghan Ghauri 🏅✔

Consumer Goods Digital Transformation Payroll Management Consumer Goods 72,800 182,000
14. Avatar

Niels B. Christiansen

Consumer Goods Leadership Innovation Consumer Goods 66,296 247,284
15. Avatar

Summan Saqlain

Consumer Goods HR Professional Employee Engagement Consumer Goods 58,975 161,002
16. Avatar

Zonifer V.

Human Resources Talent Management Leadership Development Human Resources 52,767 152,497
17. Avatar

nisrine ouazekhti

HR Marketing Informatique HR 52,346 181,117
18. Avatar

Giovanni Kamarikos

Consumer Goods eCommerce Technology Consumer Goods 50,796 115,307
19. Avatar

Dhruv Talwar

Consumer Goods Brand Strategy Integrated Marketing Communication Consumer Goods 50,024 155,575
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