// --- // import { getCollection } from "astro:content"; // import { SITE } from "@config"; // import Layout from "@layouts/Layout.astro"; // import Main from "@layouts/Main.astro"; // import Header from "@components/Header.astro"; // import Footer from "@components/Footer.astro"; // import SearchBar from "@components/Search"; // import getSortedPosts from "@utils/getSortedPosts"; // import Navbar from "../components/Navbar.astro"; // // // Retrieve all published articles // const posts = await getCollection("blogs", ({ data }) => !data.draft); // const sortedPosts = getSortedPosts(posts); // // // List of items to search in // const searchList = sortedPosts.map(({ data, slug }) => ({ // title: data.title, // description: data.description, // data, // slug, // })); // --- // // // // //
// //